
Sunday, September 26, 2010

32-ish week update, with pictures!

32 weeks is 8 months pregnant. That's big. So's my belleh.

We (Bugbear? Bugbear and I? I? Subjectivity is such a pain to determine. And I am still a dork.) had an ultrasound on Friday to make sure there was no growth restriction due to the two vessel cord. Thankfully, everything looked good! We'll get more details at our next meeting with the midwives, but I believe this means we're back to being a normal-ish pregnancy, with no more extra monitoring or check-ins. Yay!

We also got some detailed, determined, medically exact news. Bugbear probably weighs 4 pounds, 9 oz right now. Give or take 11 oz. Which means s/he weighs somewhere between under 4 pounds and over 5 pounds. Go go Gadget Math Skillz.

Michael also took pictures with his phone, because that's his thing.

(Krista and Bugbear)
 (Michael and Bugbear)

The horribly blurry quality of the last one is my fault, since I'm the one who took it. It was seriously cute in person.

At this point, Bugbear looks something like a creepy Skeletor and an amorphous blob. S/he is big enough that s/he's kinda squished, and his/her face and limbs and body are all there, but difficult to see or do much with because of size. So you're not missing much when you can't tell what the photo strips are actually showing. But they'll still go in his/her memory book. Once we take them off the fridge.

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