
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wild (or not) Wednesday Update

What's going on? Not much new, surprisingly.  We're still apartment hunting, still trying to figure out  what our lives will look like in the coming months, and all that. We'll probably never agree on whether Bugbear is a Red Sox fan or a Cubs fan, but if Chicago fever continues, s/he may wind up with a teeny Blackhawks jersey. Full disclosure: I don't actually know what such a thing would be called, but "jersey" seems like as good a guess as any, and better than "t-shirt" or "cute little mesh top."

How pregnant are you? 17 weeks. 3 weeks from halfway there. I feel like I've been pregnant forever, but by academic markers like semesters, I have been pregnant forever.

Relate this pregnancy to objects we tend to eat or other daily stuff. Bugbear is probably between 4.8 and 5.1 inches this week. That's equivalent to the size of a hockey puck. In woman-speak, s/he is the size of a baked potato, the size of your outstretched hand (and I am still unsure of whose hand we're talking about here), or an onion. S/he is also equal in size to his/her placenta, so I have the equivalent of two baked potatoes hanging out in my ute this week.
Tell me some random stuff about the Bugbear. Bugbear is working hard at getting ready to someday hang out with us out here. S/he is developing vernix (goo that protects his/her skin), gaining weight and fat, digesting amniotic fluid for that first diaper, continuing to harden his/her tiny skeleton from cartilage into bone, and is practicing all sorts of movement.  Fingerprints are showing up as the pads on his/her fingers develop, and toe pads are developing too.

What are you doing with/for Bugbear that's new? I bought him/her five books from a discard sale at a library, and I've read one of those out loud to him/her. I'm not totally convinced that it makes a difference, but I do hope that it helps me to bond with Bugbear and feel more connected to him/her. I've also burned a bunch of new CDs for driving. S/he may be doomed to come out singing show tunes, but this way s/he'll have some variety in his/her repertoire.  

Tell me how you feel physically. Somewhere between "fabulous!" and "eff you, pain!"  I'm still having some nasty back pain in my left side, and I have yet to go five days without a migraine, but overall I feel really good. Daily exercise has helped decrease the bloat I was dealing with, so I've even managed to somehow look less large than I was a few weeks ago. The bump is by no means going away, but the lack of fluff around it is much appreciated. If you're a yoga junkie totally uninspired by most prenatal yoga DVDs, then you need Jennifer Wolfe's prenatal vinyasa set. It is utterly fabulous at giving you an actual workout. It hasn't solved my lower back pain yet, but the rest of me is in love. I never thought I would be this excited to break a sweat, but I am.

What are you craving? Lobster (boiled) with butter and soy sauce for dipping, fresh corn on the cob, rolls, and a big green salad. Nothing like being pregnant to make you rational.

Are you crazy emotional?  Absolutely. Monday was the 11th anniversary of my dad's death, and that always makes for difficult times. Between that and a whole lot of outside stress, I have resorted to bananas and electrolyte supplements with loads of water to make up for all that I'm crying. I am 100% certain that hormones are not helping.

Tell me how you feel otherwise. The strawberry-rhubarb crumble I was thinking about last Wednesday did indeed help. It was delicious. I'm tired from so much emotional output, but I'm also increasingly grateful and in love with Michael and the faith and hope he has that "it will all be okay."

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